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My Philosophy

Guidance Philosophy

Social-emotional development is the core of success for an individual.  Starting with expectations and relationships of adults in the culture of my program is important.  We cannot teach and expect children to develop social-emotional skills if we as adults have not developed them ourselves.  A strong foundation of authentic relationships and expectations will nurture relationships among adults and children.  Providing a high- quality learning environment built on these strong relationships promotes positive outcomes and provides opportunities for profound learning experiences. 


Children are capable of big things! All children benefit from targeted social skills. Teaching social skills and assessing the needs of all children provides the opportunity to develop individualized behavior support for children and families.  I will set expectations for behavior and model kindness and respect.  Children will learn how to respond to situations and treat others.  Expectations will be explained to the children in developmentally appropriate language and children will be taught to be great problem solvers. Expectations, rules and limits will be consistent and shared with families and the community. 


Time outs and physical punishments are ineffective and do not provide opportunities for children to learn and develop problem solving strategies.  Punishment is subjecting someone to a bad experience in response to their behavior.  Subjecting bad experiences on someone is harmful to their emotional health.  Discipline is training someone to understand expected behaviors. Through discipline children are taught their expectations and reasons why they should act a certain way.


Children will be taught techniques to self-regulate and build strong social and emotional skills through providing clear expectations and positive reinforcement for appropriate behaviors while in my care.  Social and emotional skills that I will focus on include: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationships skills, and responsible decision making.  The children will learn what each of these skills are, expectations of each skill, and techniques to build these skills into their daily lives.  I will also share this information with families and the community to work towards a universal understanding of social and emotional competency for everyone.  Supporting each other in building these skills will promote a productive and successful society.


Every individual is unique and has valuable gifts. As I grow in experiences, my guidance philosophy will also evolve. When we know better, we do better. I will continually seek to better serve the children and families in my care.


Self-awareness is the ability to recognize our own emotions and thoughts and how they influence our behavior.  Through self-awareness, one can accurately assess their strengths and weaknesses and form a well-grounded sense of confidence and optimism.  I will provide various experiences and opportunities for children to develop strong self-awareness skills such as:

·       Provide opportunities to identify and express feelings and expand emotional vocabulary. 

·       Provide opportunities for children to practice identifying potential situations or experiences that lead to feeling overwhelmed and struggling to manage emotions.

·       Help children accurately assess their own capabilities and qualities.

·       Regularly acknowledge children’s strengths and work to build self-confidence.

·       Provide opportunities for children to feel successful.


Self-management is the ability to regulate one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors effectively in different situations.  I will guide children in stress management, controlling impulses, and motivating themselves. Some of the techniques I will use and teach to children to strengthen self-management skills are:

·       Provide opportunities for children to practice managing their thoughts and behaviors.

·       Offer positive support when children are having difficulties with self-regulation.

·       Teach children emotional and behavioral regulation techniques that help them practice ways of coping with stressful experiences. (Breathing exercises and nonverbal means of expression such as music, art, dance, and yoga)

·       Provide strategies to help children independently meet expectations such as visual schedules and prompts in the learning environment.

·       Strengthen and model my own actions and behaviors using techniques such as mindfulness strategies, breathing, and self-talk.


Social awareness is the ability to take the perspective of and empathize with others from diverse backgrounds and cultures; to understand social and ethical norms for behavior; and to recognize family, school, and community resources and supports.  I will guide children in acknowledging and celebrating different ideas and diversities and teach empathy for differences in others.  Techniques that I will use to strengthen social awareness include:

·       Provide opportunities for children to identify how others may be feeling.

·       Provide opportunities for students to listen to their peers’ opinions and express disagreements in constructive ways.

·       Recognize commonalities and differences amongst others.

·       Demonstrate respect for diversity among others and find ways to share diverse cultural backgrounds and experiences.

·       Provide and enforce clear expectations regarding students’ behaviors toward others (e.g., anti-bullying, harassment, and violence policies).


Relationship skills are the ability to establish and maintain healthy and rewarding relationships with diverse individuals and groups. This includes communicating clearly, listening actively, cooperating, resisting inappropriate social pressure, negotiating conflict constructively, and seeking and offering help when needed. Frequent Opportunities will be presented to learn techniques for children to practice relationship skills.  These opportunities will include:

·       Provide opportunities for children to practice communication skills. (Speaking and listening)

·       Provide opportunities for children to work together in groups or with partners.

·       Support children in resolving conflicts with each other.

·       Provide opportunities for children to reflect on positive and negative choices in relationships and consequences of each choice.

·       Model positive and respectful relationships with children, families, and colleagues.


Responsible decision making is the ability to make constructive and respectful choices about personal behavior and social interactions based the well-being of self and others. I will guide children in responsible decision-making skill building with techniques such as:

·       Allow children to have a decision-making role related to classroom activities and rules.

·       Offer children choices about ways they can present their ideas.

·       Work to create an environment in which students believe that their thoughts and opinions are valued. 

·       Work with children to solve problems.

·       Provide opportunities for students to evaluate various real-world scenarios and make decisions based on the information at hand.



Mission Statement

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